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July 11, 2005 Minutes
Chichester Conservation Commission
07/11/05         Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Jeff Andrews, Mike Marchand, Walter Sanborn, Deb Soule, and Lee-Ann Valotto

General Items
Minutes from last month were unanimously approved.

CCC Goals Status Review:

1) Land Protection Subcommittee
Nothing new to report. For Old Home Day on August 20th, Lee-Ann, Jeff, and Bob will represent the commission at our booth.

2) Source Water Protection Education Efforts/Web Site
The Selectmen gave approval to link our new web pages to the main town site. The link has been created. Deb and Lee-Ann will explore developing/obtaining an email address for the public to send comments or questions to about the web site material or CCC in general. Lee-Ann advertised new web pages in the Town Crier section of the Concord Monitor.

3) Designating Prime Wetlands
A public information meeting was held on June 23, 2005. Only one person appeared to be in disagreement with the study. Bob drafted a letter for the consultant’s scientists to carry while doing fieldwork and sent it to VHB for their review. No response has been received yet. We do not have a contract with VHB yet although we have received 3 bills.

4) Warrant articles and 5) Blaze Paint Property Bounds on Conservation Easements
Jeff and Bob met with the Selectmen on June 14th to discuss surveying Carpenter Park and some of the difficult easement boundary lines. The Selectmen appear to be in favor of the proposal. Jeff will draft an RFP.   

6) Water Quality Monitoring of Marsh Pond
Deb and Mike sampled the pond with the DES biologist last month. July sampling will be conducted in the next week or two. An extra site downstream of the dam was sampled at the campground owner’s request. No results have been received yet.

7) Implementing the Sanborn Cray Conservation Area management plan.
Wetlands were indicated in most of the limited soil survey conducted at the Plummer property. In order to subdivide to gain enough viable back acreage as conservation land and access to the Sanborn Cray Area, a variance will be needed from the ZBA. Jeff is scheduled to meet with them on July 20th. He needs to obtain a letter from the Plummers to act on their behalf at the meeting.

L&K Truck Equipment
A site walk was conducted on June 16, 2005. The motion from the previous meeting was revised and unanimously approved to the following: to not object to L&K Truck Equipment’s application to the ZBA but include suggestions for minimizing wetland impact such as removing trees to the extent possible (instead of filling in the wetlands) in order to gain greater visibility of vehicles for sale, minimizing amount of wetland filling such as rounding the corners of the lot area, and rerouting surface drainage away from the wetlands area to the greatest extent possible. This information will be passed on to the ZBA via the minutes.


The Town’s new safety handbook does apply to volunteers on boards. We will get and review a copy.

The Marsh Pond dam project is on hold pending response from the campground owner to the town’s letter.

There is a new committee to review zoning ordinances. Bob, Jeff, and Lee-Ann will participate in this committee.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Upcoming Meetings/Events
07/20 – ZBA for Plummer Property
08/08 @ 7:00 PM at Town Hall – Regular CCC meeting
08/20 – Old Home Day – CCC Booth